Posts Tagged ‘Stacker Formula’

Oops… A Bit Of Delay

May 1, 2008

Well, technically speaking, there is no delay, because the team behind Stacker Formula never told when they where going to launch the program. But there was ‘strong evidence’ that the launch was planned for last Tuesday, April 29.

Well, it was not. So technically there is no delay.

And no, there is still is no official launch date set. At least, not as far as we simple people on the outside know off.

It should be soon though. From what I’ve heard, they are performing some final testing on the delivery system. Knowing Eric Louviere, he will not rest (or launch) before that system works flawless.

The challenge the team behind Stacker Formula is facing, is getting tons of megabytes over to the buyers: not just an every day e-book, but video’s, audio’s, checklists, manuals, text files, swipe files and what not. They are using Mike Filsaime’s Butterfly script, so I guess everything will work out fine.

The price of Stacker Formula isn’t clear either. I’ve heard an insider (who can live without contacts!?) say that $79 (the price that was communicated over the last couple of weeks) isn’t set in stone. I guess the only thing we can do is wait a little longer.

Will it be worth the waiting?
There is no doubt in my mind it will.

Will it be worth the $79 (or whatever)?
You bet it is.
In fact, even at $99 or $199 Stacker Formula would still be a steal and the best $ you’ve invested in your online career.

Stacker Formula NEWSFLASH!

April 27, 2008

Finally. Stacker Formula will go live next week. Probably next Tuesday. All depending on some testing.

Just got this message from Eric:

Update: Stacker Formula is like 99% done now.

I know, I know… much anticipation has been building.

So, all the content’s done, edited, everything.

I’m working with Mike’s Butterfly Marketing specialist and our
technical wizard, Henry, to put the final touches on everything and
test it all out.

I have Monday set aside for testing. So we may (note word “may”
be set to go live Tuesday.

That’s the latest.

There is still some confusion about the price tag.

It’s obvious that there will be a special offer for a few days, right after the launch. Nobody knows how long that offer will be up there. Heck, even the price isn’t clear yet. Some say it will be $79, going up to $99 after a week. Some say that’s ridiculous and think it’ll be more like $99 to start with, going up to $149 after a week or so.

It’s pretty obvious though that on the longer run, $149 is a realistic price level.

We’ll see. Just a couple of days to go…

Stacker Formula – Just Follow The System

April 24, 2008

Stacker formula is a system. Not an ebook, a series of audio files or a bunch of video’s. Within the system, there are 4 modules. Each with its own specifics, goals and starting point.

The programs goal is to get you on a $4K a month level as soon as possible.

Why that’s important? Because at that level, most people are able to quit their job and dedicate more time to their online business, making more, probably way more, then 4K a month.

Hard? Not really.
But it ain’t easy either.

Most import: it takes time, hard work, dedication and it helps if you can do with less sleep 🙂

Here is the point. Just start. Just do it. Just start with Module 1 and take it step by step. Don’t expect to make 4K in your first month. Probably not even in your second month.

I hear you: then how good is this ‘system’.

It isn’t good. It’s great.

But your results will very much depend on how much time and energy you are ready to invest. Putting in 20 hours a week, will get you faster to 4K then putting in 10 hours a week.

Makes sense huh?

Actually, that’s what makes Stacker Formula what it is: it makes sense. Just follow the modules and you’ll get there.

Stacker Formula, module 1

April 23, 2008

“Exploding Out Of The Gates And Generating Consistent Online Cash!”

The first module will focus strictly on getting your foundation down for exploding out of the gates, and earning several hundred dollars per month.

This is the beginning of the program, the starting stages, where you need to focus on a consistent income – a stable one!

Many would consider this a part-time income that can replace your car payments, or rent, or some of your bills.

You will start here and ramp up fast to a higher income in the other modules.

Can you bust out fast and make thousands per month? Yes, it’s possible!

In module 1 you’ll be setting the foundation for a six figure income… or higher!

Stacker Formula, module 2

April 23, 2008

“Ramping Up Your Solid Foundation And Consistent Income To Several Thousand
Dollars Per Month… Every Month!”

The second module will expand your foundation and allow you to increase profits, ramp up targeted traffic and boost your bank account to levels that compete with most people’s day-job-salaries!

This is where folks start thinking about quitting jobs and this is where the sky now becomes the limit!

This is where you want to be.

Once you’ve reached this level, there’s no telling how high you can go. It’s up to you how big of a business you want at this point!

Millions of people out there would give their left (and right) leg for this type of income from home.

For you, it’s just a matter of implementing the steps effectively!

Stacker Formula, module 3

April 23, 2008

“Diversify Your Income, Expand Your Foundation And Solidify Your Business For The Long Term!”

The third module is where you will further expand your operation, your foundation, your income and your livelihood.

It’s at this point, marketers begin enjoying the free life, the financial prosperity most dream of and never achieve.

It is at this point, folks tend to quit jobs, buy houses, move where they’ve always wanted to live, have spouses quit jobs and enjoy the type of lifestyle that allows you to buy just about what you want, when you want it without too much difficulty.

Many in the world would consider you rich at this point, and your friends and family will become envious and wonder what the heck you do to make so much cash!

Friends will beg you to teach them what you know, and everyone starts treating you different.

I wish everyone could experience what this is like, and this feeling is why I even provide Internet Marketing products to others at all.

I feel obligated to share and help others leave the rat race, reduce their stress and enjoy all life has to offer.

I could simply keep everything to myself and be a greedy marketer. But, as you’ll quickly find out, I’m not that way at all… and hopefully FAR FROM IT!

You can do it! You can achieve this level. It does not take being a genius, having tremendous talents, or any of that type of stuff.

All it requires is sticking to a proven system, tweaking that system and building it up over time into a dynasty!

Remember what I said about the Lottery Mindset? Well, this is what most people wish for, but never get, because they never stick to a proven system to watch it grow over time into a successful money generator!

Stacker Formula, module 4

April 23, 2008

“At This Level, You Begin To Really Shoot For The Stars… And Thoughts Of A Million Dollar Income Become Not Only Realistic, But Likely!”

The last module is one only a microscopic percentage of marketers will ever reach. However, you can reach it if you continue to add to your operation, focus on yourself and your time.

This is where you practically replace yourself from your day-to-day operations, and start giving over control to others.

This is where you get companies to handle duties, and entire sections of your business for you!

This is where you have the capital and resources to outsource just about everything, while you manage from a bird’s eye view!

This is where you have mastered what it takes to be wealthy, and you’ll never have to worry about working for someone else again!

This is where you look at others, explain to them how to get where you are, but shake your head because 99% of them do not want to focus and take the necessary steps to get there!

At this level, your a money making machine and demand the respect of any business person alive.

Module #4 of Stacker Formula will instruct you on how to get here, and what to do once you’re here.